Friday, November 28, 2014

4AHK - Homework for Tuesday, December 2

A BLOG ENTRY is used to convey information, tips or personal opinion (a blog comment is a response to something that has been written like we did for Coca-Cola's sponsorship of the American Family Physicians).

You contribute to the BHAK Liezen English blog, The B-HAWK.  You have been asked to write an entry about the American business tradition of Black Friday, and to get feedback from your readers for a similar event in Austria.  Write a blog entry about Black Friday in which you

* Describe the Black Friday tradition in America
* Explain why Black Friday is so important for retailers
* Suggest a way or ways in which Austria could hold a similar sales event to increase revenues at the end of the year.

CHECKLIST (see Writing Checklist at
Did you use a catchy title?
Did you catch your readers’ interest in the first paragraph? (rhetorical questions or directly addressing your readers are good for this)
Do you have a paragraph for each of the bullet points?
Did you encourage your readers to leave comments?
Did you use correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization  and grammar?
Did you do your own work (nicht abgeschrieben vom Internet, Buch, NachbarIn, Google Translate)?
Is it something you can be proud of?

Enjoy this video about Black Friday!

And then there's this article from the Onion!

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