Wednesday, May 15, 2019

1C - Video activity - James Charles

What happens when a young make-up influencer bites the hand that feeds him?

For the English challenge, you can write a summary of the story. 
Who is James Charles? Where is he from?  How old is he? How did he become famous? What does he vlog about? Who are his followers?   How much is he worth?  Why is he losing followers?  When did all this happen?

You could also comment on James Charles.  Do you follow him?  Do you like him?  What do you think about a boy who advertises make-up? 

4C - Rube Goldberg Machines

1) First, look up what a Rube Goldberg Machine is.
2) Then, watch some examples (links below).
3) Finally, write about ONE of these in your activity journal - look up vocabulary that you need and describe what happens using the PASSIVE voice.

The Cog:

Monday, May 13, 2019

English Challenge Activities (Example)

I watched the Big Bang Theory.  In this episode, Leonard read Penny's diary.  He found out that Penny hated a nightie that he bought for her because it was orange and she thought it made her look like a carrot.  Penny got mad that Leonard read her diary.  To apologize for his actions, he dresses up in the nightie and offers to let Penny take a shame photo to put on the internet. Penny doesn't take him up on his offer.  But Leonard is totally embarrassed when all their friends walk in and see him dressed up as a "naughty carrot." (101 words)

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Thursday, May 2, 2019 - In Class

Warm up:

Did you do something for the English Challenge?  let me see your notebook!

Did you finish your book report?  Is it legible?

Did you finish recording 5 minutes of text?

This must be done before you leave today!

6C - Continue with food miles (what was the conversation with your parents like?)
Further:  dumpster diving and food waste

Ferris Bueller - how can we use this on the Schularbeit?
Reading exercise
Feedback on notebooks

8C - Starting monologues.  Do you have this worksheet??


All Speaking is Storytelling

  Tell a story about your Project week.  Talk for at least two minutes.  Don’t go over three.  Add your own details. Do not simply repeat w...