Monday, October 13, 2014

7C - Homework for Thursday, October 16

Let's try something new!

I.  Watch this video and answer the questions:

1) What product does the commercial advertise?
2) Is it an effective commercial? Why or why not?
3) Is it a good commercial for the product? Why or why not?
4) What is the purpose of this commercial?
5) In what way does the commercial use interactive advertising?

II.  On the internet, find another example of INTERACTIVE ADVERTISING (in English, please!).  It could be an old school example (like a billboard) or a digital example.  Post a link to the source (picture, video, website, etc) IN THE COMMENT SECTION of this blog entry (don't worry if it doesn't show up immediately - comments are restricted). Consider the same questions for your advertisement/commercial as above, and be able to talk about your selection in the lesson.


  1. It's just this easy! Type your comment in the comment box, select an ID (you may post anonymously), and then press Publish!

  2. Look, Gerit and Christian! It worked! It just took 24 hours to show up... o.0

  3. Gerit, I just watched the Coke Friendship Machine - very cool! The link you posted at 8:04 pm is the same - did you mean it to be?


Please be respectful with your contribution. And if you wouldn't want your grandmother to read it, think twice about posting your comment here!

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