Monday, October 28, 2019

3C - Homework for Monday, November 11 and EXTRA CREDIT for Vienna Week

HOMEWORK FOR MONDAY, November 11:  Be prepared to tell a detailed STORY about your Vienna week. Speak for at least two minutes  I want a detailed STORY!  And your story should be different from everyone else's!

THESE ARE IDEAS (feel free to do your own thing!)
My crazy roommates
I've never laughed so hard in my life
That time I got lost
The best meal of all time
The most interesting person I met
My favorite excursion
Did you hear about the time...?
These people got in so much trouble!
I could never live in a big city
I am moving to Vienna the next chance I get
This was the last thing I expected


So... you won't have  English for a week and a half.  What does that mean?  Well, it's hard for me to give you homework, but I can give you EXTRA CREDIT. 

Option 1) Make a scrapbook of your Vienna Week in ENGLISH.  Pick up English brochures of the sites you see.  Write captions for your pictures in English.

Option 2) Keep a journal ENGLISH of your Vienna Week. Make sure you use the ENGLISH names for attractions. Don't write about Stephansdom, write about St. Stephen's Cathedral.  Don't write about the Kaisergruft, write about the Imperial Crypt. If you use German words for food, make sure you describe what it is in English.

Option 3)  Make a video IN ENGLISH about one of the sites you visit.

Option 4) Perform a skit IN ENGLISH about something that happened during Vienna week and make a video of it! 

Option 4)  Interact with people in ENGLISH in Vienna (tourists, shop keepers, etc). Make a video of you interacting with English speakers in Vienna (make sure you get their permission first).

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All Speaking is Storytelling

  Tell a story about your Project week.  Talk for at least two minutes.  Don’t go over three.  Add your own details. Do not simply repeat w...